OH HAPPY DAY (Piano Solo, Choir Version Only) – Inspired by the hit movie and stage music SISTER ACT. This is a great arrangement for SATB Choir, vocal soloists and rhythm section. The work begins in the key of Ab and then does a fair amount of modu ...
JESUS PAID IT ALL Inspired by Fernando Ortega arranged for piano, vocal solo, cello with optional violin in key of Db. This can also work as a congregationl singalong. Very appropriate for the Easter season. Be sure to check out the sample score an ...
AMEN as performed by Larnelle Harris arranged SATB choir, Solo, and rhythm. A classic that is timeless. A great solo for your star tenor. This is in the original key. Ask about different keys. This is both a great EASTER and Christmas work. This is the Vo ...
Mansion Over The Hilltop – A classic gospel chorus in an arrangement with a 1920’s feel and vocal verse that is reminiscent of Al Jolson. HansenCharts Dixieland Pro Series Arrangements are the cream of the crop. Originally created for some Ch ...
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart Medley (INSTRUMENTAL VERSION) with This World Is Not My Home, In the Name of Jesus, and Oh, the Blood of Jesus. Better HOLD ON! And yes, the piano solos are written out! This is about as much fun as one should be able to hav ...
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder arranged for Gospel Dixieland Band begins as a train begins to leave the station. It begins slowly and then takes off. A great chart to show off your players. Open solo section. HansenCharts Dixieland Pro Series Arrangem ...
I Will Celebrate arranged for Gospel Dixieland Band can be performed as an instrumental or with the vocal in the middle of the chart. A lead sheet is included and could be played by an instrumentalist. Note that there are two sample recordings ...
This Is the Day arranged for Gospel Dixieland Band – Begins quietly, like you are just waking up and getting our of bed. Then it begins to gradually move along until the end culminates in celebration. HansenCharts Dixieland Pro Series Arrangements a ...
JESUS PAID IT ALL inspired by Fernando Ortega but custom arranged for piano, vocal solo (or congregation) and strings (violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello) in the key of Db (Original key). This works very well as a vocal solo or with group singing. Thi ...
Love Lifted Me 5441 Big Band for vocal solo or duet with SATB option. Arranged for standard Big Band but using one part (piano/rhythm) for all rhythm. There are additional parts for SAT worship team, SATB, Tambourine. When purchasing this arra ...
Wonderful Grace of Jesus 5440 Big Band brass choir style. This is an instrumental feature that features a piccolo trumpet. This arrangement is done “a la marching band” style and is fairly short at only 1:20 long. This is a moderate level of d ...
I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous) arranged for Vocal solo with SATB choir and full 5444 Big Band This will work well for congregational singing with or without the SATB choir. This is a fairly easy arrangement. This song is part of Hark Up Ministries ...
PRECIOUS LORD arranged for 5pc Dixieland Band – This arrangement is unaccompanied – It is just for the wind instruments and NO rhythm. This is arranged for trumpet, clarinet, alto sax, trombone and Tuba (or Baritone Sax). This is a ...
Victory In Jesus custom arranged for 5441 Big Band HR2213 - Instrumental Feature Version with optional SATB choir parts and optional use with congregational. This is an easier version than the version found here on this web site. This uses a p ...
AMAZING GRACE arranged for 5pc Dixieland Band – This arrangement does feature the trumpet. This is a relaxed ballad that modulates to a boisterous end. IT also includes a sax solo and short clarinet solo. Moderate to Difficult level. HansenCharts P ...
At The Cross – HYMN Custom Orchestration - Inspired by the Gaither Vocal Band TTBB Vocal feature (sung at the Billy Grahm Memorial Service) with solos in the original key of G. If you want a different key contact us. If you need a different instrume ...
A Shelter In A Time of Storm, INSTRUMENTAL VERSION begins nice and easy and them takes off. Fun little solo lines passed around by each instrument. Check out the vocal version. HansenCharts Dixieland Pro Series Arrangements are the cream of the crop inst ...
Who Can do Anything – arranged for TTBB men and piano. A classic Cathedrals Quartet gospel song as performed by them in the original key. This arrangement is fun and easy to learn.
I’ve Got A River of Life – 5pc Dixieland group version with vocal. This classic gospel song with an up-tempo ska/jazz/1920’s groove is very fun to play. The recording is of a slightly larger group but this 5pc horn version is just a fun ...
Jesus Paid it all inspired by Fernando Ortega arranged for vocal solo or congregational singing, piano, flute, clarinet, alto or tenor sax (optional) and cello (optional). in the Key of Db (original key) and also now in the key of C. .Contemplative w/inte ...