
AMEN as performed by Larnelle Harris arranged SATB choir, Solo, and rhythm. A classic that is timeless. A great solo for your star tenor. This is in the original key. Ask about different keys. This is both a great EASTER and Christmas work. This is the Vo ...


This is ELVIS’s “American Triology” Arranged for Vocal Solo(s) lead sheet with 3 part (SAT) Vocals and SATB Choir. This arrangement uses a simple lead sheet for the rhythm with cues for vocals, guitar, drums etc. This follows the origina ...


Just A Closer Walk with Thee (as performed by Bart Millard on his recording “Hymned”) in the Key of Bb & C (the original key is B) This is the Piano Vocal Chart only version. Parts include the Piano/Vocal part, Piano/Rhythm (Written o ...


Mary Had A Baby with Go Tell It as recorded by David Foster and Venessa Williams from the CD "The Christmas Album".  Piano/Rhythm, Solo, Choir, Kids Choir ONLY Version This is the Piano/Rhythm with Solo, Choir and Kids pulled from the full orchestra ...

Inspired by Bart Millard's version of this classic hymn from his "Hymned" recording, Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus is a great, inspirational treatment of this hymn.  This uses the same chord structure as the original.  This would work very well w ...


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