Contact us to create a custom arrangement of this title for your group. Samples and descriptions below include past custom versions of this title For big band with vocal solos, basic rhythm, piano, bass, drums, 5 saxes, 4 trumpets, and 4 trom ...
Joy with Joy to the World inspired by Hillsong London 2018 custom arranged for Solo, Trio, SATB choir and rhythm. Inspired by the LIVE performance of Hillsong London 2018 “Joy with Joy to the World” is a great gospel rendition of the classic ...
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing inspired by Salvador featuring Phil Keaggy custom arranged for band, vocals and horns. This custom arrangement includes a full score, lead sheet/rhythm, flute, violin, clarinet, synth brass, 3 trumpets, alto sax, tenor sax, a ...
A great clever new rendition of “Joy to the World” in the Black Gospel style. Parts include, vocal sheet, piano and all vocals, back vocals (SSAA or SSAT), keys, bass, drums, guitar, trumpet, alto sax (trumpet sub), tenor sax, trombone, barito ...
Gloria In Excelsis Deo - Christmas (inspired by Maurice Andre’) Custom arranged for Bb piccolo trumpet solo with organ, percussion (Timpani and cymbals) and brass (2 C trumpets, horn, 2 trombones and tuba)
O Come All Ye Faithful custom arranged for full orchestra with praise band and SATB Choir in 6/8 key of Bb. This work is in 6/8 and has a refreshing feel to the classic Christmas Carol. This also has a new refrain that is easy to teach your congregation. ...
Hark the Herald Angles Sing or Hark Up Jam Instrumental. Christms Pop Orchestra, This is a very fun and easy arrangement and has open solo options. This is medium difficult but very achievable by younger players. Be sure to check o ...
God, Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen (Secret Agent) – Updated Version for 5441 big band inspired by Brian Setzer. Parts includes 5 saxes, 4 trumpets, 4 trombones and one rhythm part for keys, bass, guitar and drums. This is a very clever arrang ...
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen inspired by the Getty’s Live version custom arranged for vocal solo, SATB back vocals, rhythm and fiddle plus. This is inspired by the LIVE Getty version using the Star of Munster Reel. Parts include All vocals with keyb ...
This is an epic celebration of two Christmas Classics inspired by Hillsong London. This is custom arranged for Solos, SATB Choir, Kids Choir, Rhythm, Drums, Drum Line (parts written out), Percussion (2-3 players), piccolo/flute, flute 2, clarinet 1, clari ...
Gesu Bambino – Inspired by the Kathleen Battle and Frederica von Staade version but in a lower key of C minor/Eb major and with an altered ending. Arranged for mezzo solo piano, flute, oboe, clarinet 1, clarinet 2, percussion (2/4), 2 horns, 2 Bb tr ...
Gesu Bambino – Inspired by the Kathleen Battle and Frederica von Staade version (original key) and arranged for soprano solo piano, flute, oboe, clarinet 1, clarinet 2, bassoon, percussion (2/4), 2 horns, 2 C trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba, violin 1, v ...
Children Go Where I Send Thee (7 parts+ A cappella for men) inspired by Home Free and Kenny Rodgers. A Cappella version inspired by Home Free with Kenny Rodgers for 7 vocal parts or more. Parts include full score with all parts, a condensed vocal score, ...
The First Noel inspired by (Lisa Curtis Grace Church of Chapel Hill) Piano Vocal with SATB Choir This is a custom arrangement that includes lead sheet, SATB choir parts and piano. Note that the lead sheet is provided for all guitars, keyboard pads and dr ...
The First Noel inspired by (Lisa Curtis Grace Church of Chapel Hill) full orchestration with SATB Choir This is a custom orchestration that includes all orchestra parts, lead sheet, SATB choir parts and full score. Note that the lead sheet is provided fo ...
AMEN as inspired by Larnelle Harris arranged for full strings, 5pc horns, SATB choir, Solo, rhythm and percussion. A classic that is timeless. A great solo for your star tenor. This is in the original key. This is both a great Easter and Christmas work. ...
A wonderful tender rendition of a classic carol. The first half of this arrangement is instrumental and second half brings in the choir and congregation. This has a classical chamber feel in the key of the key of Em. Be sure to listen to the midi audio of ...
Mary Had A Baby with Go Tell It as recorded by David Foster and Venessa Williams from the CD "The Christmas Album". Piano/Rhythm, Solo, Choir, Kids Choir ONLY Version This is the Piano/Rhythm with Solo, Choir and Kids pulled from the full orchestra ...
The First Noel (Inspired by Josh Groban with Faith Hill and created by David Foster and Kirk Franklin) custom arranged for vocal duet, SATB choir (gospel choir), piano, bass and drums from the Josh Groban album “Noel”. Parts also include a pi ...
The First Noel (Inspired by Josh Groban with Faith Hill inspired by David Foster and Kirk Franklin) custom arranged for a full Orchestra: winds 2222, brass 4331, strings 2111, percussion 3-4 players, piano, bass, drums, vocal duet and SATB (gospel choir) ...