AMAZING GRACE arranged for chamber string orchestra and scored for Violin A, Violin B, Violin C, Viola, Cello 1, and Cello 2. This is rated intermediate in difficulty. This is somewhat simple with some lush chordal effects Great for any high school orches ...
Christ For the World (Italian Hymn) arranged for congregation with small orchestra Four stanzas in the key of F. See the score sample for a complete list of instruments including percussion instruments. This is a traditional full expression of this class ...
For the Beauty of the Earth arranged for congregation, brass, strings, percussion, rhythm. HYmn Tune DIX. Four stanzas in the key of F. See the score sample for a complete list of instruments including percussion instruments. This is a traditional full e ...
Give Me Jesus (Fernando Ortega) for voice, keys, flute, strings and percussion (Key of C) The classic African American Spiritual; Give Me Jesus inspired by Fernando Ortega and custom arranged for voice, keys, flute (optional), strings (Vln1, Vln2, Va, Ce ...
Give Me Jesus inspired by Danny Gokey’s version and arranged for vocal solo, piano, SATB choir and full strings in the original key of Eb. Note that this is truly based on the Danny Gokey version. Ask about other keys. Be sure and view the sample Sc ...
Great is Thy Faithfulness for string quartet. This is a traditional sounding arrangement of the classic hymn “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” arranged for string quartet or string ensemble. A lush, tranquil and pastoral setting that will wor ...
HOW GREAT THOU ART arranged for string quartet in the key of G. Originally commissioned by Alistar Begg for a wedding ceremony. This arrangement is done in a relaxed, sweet style, a contemplative work. Great for a prelude, wedding or off ...
I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day (inspired by Sarah McLachlan) custom arranged for solo, piano, strings and percussion. The classic carol penned by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1864) and inspired by the Sarah McLachlan version custom arranged for vocal ...
I Saw Three Ships inspired by (James Galway) For flute solo with chamber ensemble with strings. Concept by David Overton and flute solo by James Galway and custom arranged for chamber group. Based on the recording by Galway “Christmas Carol&r ...
Jesus Loves Me Arranged for Solo/congregation, piano, brass, strings and percussion (Coplandesque) Parts include: vocal/piano; separate vocal; separate piano: Three Percussion parts include tympani, bells and chimes, cymbals and bar chimes. Standard bras ...
This is print music for the Song "Joy to the World" for string quartet that includes interludes of Vivaldi's four seasons. Very cleaver. Beautiful work for the Christmas season. You will get all parts including a score for the work. &nbs ...
This is "Joy to the World" inspired by Mariah Carey as she sings it on her "Merry Christmas" recording. This is arranged for SATB choir, strings, and horn section (3 trumpets, 3 trombones, 5 saxes) There are woodwind sub parts for the strings.   ...
This is the Expanded Rock Band version with separate parts for the following instrumentation: Lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Piano, Bass, Drums, Pecussion (Combined and separate parts): Chimes, Tambourine, Wind Chimes, Tympani. Horn parts include: Trumpet 1, ...
O HOLY NIGHT as inspired by David Phelps and Gaither Homecoming. Custom Arranged for vocal solo and piano/rhythm the keys of F-Gb, Eb-E, E-F, G-Ab, and C-Db. You will receive all 5 keys at purchase. Ask about other keys. The piano part has bee ...
O HOLY NIGHT as inspired by David Phelps and Gaither Homecoming. Custom Arranged for vocal solo, piano/rhythm, SATB Back Choir, strings (Vl1, Vl2, Va, Ce), 3 trumpets and 2 trombones. Note simple string parts have been added to the piano vocal ...
You are purchasing the written music arrangement of "Oh, Danny Boy" arranged for string quartet (violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello). This can also be used with a vocal soloist. It is in the key of C with a range of "A" below middle C to "E" a t ...
Silent Night for String quartet, piano, and optional vocal inspired by The Piano Guys Custom arranged for piano, string quartet with Cello solo, optional vocal (This works as an instrumental or you can sing with this). Note that there are only two stanza ...
Softly and Tenderly inspired by Carrie Underwood at the 51st Annual CMA awards. Custom arranged for solo, piano/rhythm, strings, flute and percussion. Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling inspired by Carrie Underwood and custom arranged for vocal solo, p ...
THE MISSION with HOW GREAT THOU ART inspired by the Piano Guys arranged for String Quartet with Piano (Cello Solo). Sweet and Tranquil. Be sure to download the FREE sample score and the audio of this arrangement. Check out the Youtube link for the origina ...