OH HAPPY DAY – Delux Version – Custom arrangement for Vocal solo, SATB choir, (full piano vocal parts) full rhythm parts including piano, bass, guitar, and drums. This includes a five piece horn section consisting of 2 trumpets, alto sax, teno ...
A collection of great hymns with new contemporary styles suitable for worship singing. Reharmonized: some with lead sheets, SATB, Piano Vocal
This is the Hymn Tune "Hyfrydol" with the tiext of "Our Great Saviour" arranged for string quartet and rhythm. This is a great worship setting and has a simple contemporary reflective style. When purchasing this arrangement you will receive the chart in b ...
OUR HOPE for Piano, vocal and violin OUR HOPE is an original work by Chris R. Hansen written in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. This is arranged for piano, vocal, and violin (or flute). The original work features Rin Tarsy on vocal with Er ...
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Perpetuum Mobile was inspired by the Penguin Café Orchestra, used in the movie Napoleon Dynamite. This is arranged for chamber orchestra: violin 1, violin 2, viola, cello, dbl bass, piano, flute, clarinet, and bassoon. It is the origina ...
This is based on a live recording which is the (Official Audio) for the medley in the original key of G to Ab. This is a simple lead sheet with vocal cues and three-part choir (SAT). But also there is a SATB choir part for full choirs. ( ...
Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart for a 7 piece brass, organ, piano, percussion for congregation This is a celebratory arrangement with fanfare for organ, piano, 3 trumpets, (1st trp to piccolo trumpet), horn, 2 trombones, tuba, 4 percussionists (timpani, bell, c ...
Rise Up, O Men of God (hymn) with Faithful Men (Twila Paris) medley arranged for TTBB men and Piano in the key of A. This is arranged in the style and inspired by the Promised Keepers songs. This is fairly simple to learn and present. ...
Santa Sleigh Ride (Parody of Grease Lighting) For SATB Choir, Solos, 5444 Big Band, and percussion. Complete with dance sequence. A Great Production number for any High School Choir or Civic Show organization. Original Parody. Ask about other inst ...
SEMPER PARATUS – The Theme Song of the United States Coast Guard arranged for 5441 Big Band as an instrumental feature with optional choir on the chorus. In addition to a full score, parts include all five sax parts; 2 altos, 2 tenors and bari ...
SEMPER PARATUS – The Theme Song of the United States Coast Guard arranged for Orchestra as an instrumental feature with optional vocal. In addition to a full score, you will receive all orchestral parts. See the score sample for a full l ...
This is an Orchestration of "Silent Night" based on the recording by Celtic Woman from their recording "A Christmas Celebration". It is a Soprano Solo with orchestra accompaniment. It is scored for Soprano solo, ssaa women's chorus, violin sol ...
Simple Christmas Carol Instrumentations with a pop/contemporary beat that includes piano (rhythm) violin, flute, clarinet, for singing along with. Easy and simple. Each part csn be used separately as an obligato part. Inspired by Celtic Woman Piano - Voca ...
Silent Night for Congregation (unison) - (Inspired by the Celtic Woman Version - simple and fresh. Piano, cong. With Violin Solo - and with Optional Flute and Clarinet
Silent Night for String quartet, piano, and optional vocal inspired by The Piano Guys Custom arranged for piano, string quartet with Cello solo, optional vocal (This works as an instrumental or you can sing with this). Note that there are only two stanza ...
Silent Night in the style of “North Point” arranged for Vocal solo, piano (rhythm) strings (Vln1 Vln2 Va Ce). This arrangement comes in three keys: D Original; and also Bb and G. This is great for Christmas Eve.
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart Medley (VOCAL VERSION) for vocals or congregation and Dixieland band. Since Jesus Came Into My Heart Medley (VOCAL VERSION) with This World Is Not My Home, In the Name of Jesus, and Oh, the Blood of Jesus. Better HOLD ON! A ...
Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling inspired by Carrie Underwood and custom arranged for vocal solo, piano/rhythm, and flute solo in the original key of Eb - F. See the sample score for more detail. Note that there is a version of this song with full st ...