This classic Gospel song begins simple and reverent progressing to a full on celebration of Life using various verses of the song. Check out the Score for full instrumentation. Some parts are optional. Ask about many more versions of th ...
The Tomb is Empty (Azmon) Easter Anthem for seven brass, organ, and percussion This is for unison congregation or solo with piano/organ, three trumpets, F horn, 2 trombones, and Tuba with optional chimes and tympani. This is a rousing Easter Celebr ...
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (Hamburg) Easter Anthem for Brass Quintet and Congregation with optional percussion. This is great for a unison congregation or a vocal solo with piano/organ, brass quintet, and up to three percussionists which can ...
The Strife is O’er, the Battle Done written by Giovanni P. de Palestrina and William H. Monk. With Anonymous lyrics. Hymn Tune is VICTORY by Palestrina. A great Easter celebration work for organ and brass quartet – two trumpets and ...
This runs about 1:30 min. A very tranquil and peaceful instrumental interlude for four instruments. Very simple. A great feature interlude for cello or bassoon. Note the recording and video samples are using the bassoon. Great for ...
Rejoice Ye Pure In Heart for a 7 piece brass, organ, piano, percussion for congregation This is a celebratory arrangement with fanfare for organ, piano, 3 trumpets, (1st trp to piccolo trumpet), horn, 2 trombones, tuba, 4 percussionists (timpani, bell, c ...
This is a regal arrangement for organ, piano, 2 trumpets, flugelhorn, horn, 2 trombones, tuba, 3 percussionists (timpani, bells/chimes, cymbals/tam-tam), and optional SATB choir. This is for congregational singing. Key of C modulating to D. ...
All Glory Laud and Honor for 7pcBrass, 4perc., piano, organ and opt. choir - For cong. use. St. Theodulph Fanfare and Regal describe this choice Palm Sunday work for three trumpets (in C) with optional Bb piccolo trumpet on the first part; horn or eup ...
A classic hymn with a moderate contemporary feel yet regal and stately (inspired by the style of Chris Sligh) custom arranged for congregation and full orchestra in the key of Bb. A lead sheet is included with chords and a “three part” S ...
A classic hymn in a regal and stately form arranged for congregation and small orchestra (or just brass) with traditional harmonies. Parts include: lead for congregation, organ (piano) with lead, organ piano (alone), Violin 1, Flute/Oboe (Violin 2), ...
Custom arranged for trumpet solo (expert), piano, trumpet 2, horn, trombone, tuba, with optional percussion. This is for a seasoned high note player. See other arrangements of this title here on this web site
Chris Arose (Low in the Grave He Lay) is arranged in a stately traditional setting with traditional harmonies but with fanfare brass in the key of Bb. This is fairly easy to play by all players. Be sure to view the sample score, the midi audio and video s ...
This is for Congregation, (optioanl SATB choir), piano/organ, and brass quintet. Traditional, Regal and Stately. This version does contain 5 stanzas but with an optional cut for the 4 traditional stanzas. It begins in Bb, modulates to C and then D. ...
Easter Medley – Because He Lives, My Redeemer Lives, and Arise My Love custom arranged for piano and four part vocal. There are parts for TTBB and SATT. Parts included are full score, piano with lead, lead sheet with chords, TTBB score, SATT score, ...
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (ELLACOMBE) for orchestra, organ, SATB choir and congregation Hosanna, Loud Hosanna - Hymn Tune ELLACOMBE arranged for small orchestra that includes SATB choir, organ, flute, oboe (2nd flute), 2 clarinets, 3 trumpets, horn, 2 trombo ...
AMEN as inspired by Larnelle Harris arranged for full strings, 5pc horns, SATB choir, Solo, rhythm and percussion. A classic that is timeless. A great solo for your star tenor. This is in the original key. This is both a great Easter and Christmas work. ...
Nothing But the Blood of Jesus inspired by the Andy Cherry version arranged for full orchestra, SATB choir and rhythm band in the key of D. View the sample score for a complete list of all instruments used in this orchestration. Note that there are some s ...
All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name inspired by the Live Getty Coalition version custom arranged for full orchestra, vocals, congregation and band. This arrangement comes in both the original key of E and the key of D. This has a Celtic fe ...
JESUS PAID IT ALL - Inspired by Fernando Ortega arranged for piano, vocal solo or congregation, brass quintet and percussion. This can also work as an instrumental with no vocal. Contemplative and reflective and lyric. Be sure to listen ...